Were you exposed to paraquat herbicides?
Paraquat is an herbicide that is sold under the name Gramoxone, manufactured by a company named Syngenta. Exposure to herbicides containing the active ingredient paraquat has been linked to serious illnesses, including Parkinson’s disease. Farmers were not made aware of such a risk before using paraquat, but knowing such a danger was present would have likely caused many of them to choose a safer method of weed control. Syngenta made massive profits while its customers were being unknowingly poisoned by its product.
Gramoxone and other herbicides that use paraquat have been banned in over 30 countries around the world, yet the US still allows this deadly, toxic chemical to be sprayed on its farms. If you or someone you love has been exposed to paraquat and developed Parkinson’s disease, you may be able to hold its manufacturer accountable for the harm its product has caused. Fill out the questionnaire on this page to find out if you qualify.